Saturday, September 8, 2012

IIPM Review: Vision and Employee Engagement

IIPM Review MBA 2012

During a recent interaction with a senior corporate leader who highlighted the importance of aligning the organisations vision with the vision of its leader, one realised how important vision is in rallying all the resources of the organisation together. It is the leader’s job to create, articulate and reinforce the vision that he has for the organisation so that he can then align people with the vision and therefore achieve the organisations goals. Often organisation’s without such a will and vision fail to reach their objectives. I have often heard of inspired leaders who have led their people to attain goals that were seemingly unobtainable. And over the years I have also seen many such examples of people displaying extraordinary efforts to achieve what seemed tough, if not impossible to achieve.

Many might think that vision is overrated and serves no real purpose in the corporate world. However, in my opinion, it tends to be the binding force that gets employees together and keeps them together for extended periods of time. Employees who feel that they are one with the vision of the organisation will most oft en exert extraordinary levels of efforts to achieve more than what is possible. In such scenario’s, it makes sense for the organisation to ensure that each and every employee is aware of the vision and also has a buy in. There are numerous examples of how organisations have achieved this in the past and then have gone on to claim dizzying heights in their industries.

In this issue of CULT, we have featured two individuals whose passion and dedication to the cause of making IIPM a revolution have borne fruits and the results are for all to see. One of them Mr. Amit Saxena a professional who had worked in the industry before coming on and working in IIPM stayed in the institute due to the passion and the connect that he has with the vision of the institute. Having spent time on various organisations, he has seen the difference that one man’s vision makes in the growth and development of the organisation. Mr. Rajat Thareja has been a rock for the organisation as he has stood the test of time and has weathered many a storms. Both Mr. Saxena and Mr. Thareja have worked closely with each other over the years and behind the scenes to give it all that they have. During our interview with them, we found that both of them stressed on the fact that for them the key engagement was due to the fact that they feel a part of the vision that IIPM has. It is this common passion of bringing about a change in the country that iipmites share, and that helps then overcome all obstacles and achieve heights in any orgnaisation that they work for. It is for this same reason that year after year the institute is able to retain the best minds within its folds, and these very inspired and passionate people are the ones who are the reason for the success of the IIPM revolution.

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